
Telemetry for radios, sensors and accessories.
Aircraft Telemetry Brushless RPM Sensor - Easy instalation
Works with all brushless motors for rpm data
€27.27 Ex VAT
Electric Blue Combo
Telemetry Hitec AFHSS HTS Blue Combo complete Included: -Blue Sensor Station -magnetic rpm sensor -optical rpm sensor -gps sensor -current sensor 200 -current sensor 50 -voltage sensor -temp sensor |
€132.23 Ex VAT
External Buzzer for LiPoWatch
External Buzzer for LiPoWatch External buzzer signal for the LiPoWatch. Specification:
€8.18 Ex VAT
Futaba External Voltage Cable Lead sensor Voltage Return Line 70V R7003SB, R7008SB & R7018SB
Futaba External Voltage Cable Lead sensor Voltage Return Line 70V R7003SB, R7008SB & R7018SB
Telemetry voltage cable,Futaba FASSTest External Voltage Lead |
€10.66 Ex VAT
FUTABA FDLS-1 Dual receiver Interface, double security for your Aircraft
With the FUTABA FDLS-1 you double the security in your model by operating two S.BUS / S.BUS2 receivers in parallel. In the event of a problem with the main receiver, the FDLS-1 switches over to the second receiver at lightning speed. Two S.BUS / S.BUS2 receivers are required to use the FDLS-1. Both receivers must be of the same protocol when using the FDLS-1 mixing protocols will not allow the FDLS-1 to operate properly. Technical specifications Operating voltage: 3.5-8.4V Length: 225mm Weight: 6.5g |
€69.34 Ex VAT
Sensor telemetry number of revolutions per minute to aircraft propeller blades or helicopters
FEATURES Length: 160mm with the cable Weight: 4.9gr Voltage 3.7 – 7.4v Rounds per minute: 360 – 300.000RPM |
€52.07 Ex VAT
Futaba SBS-01ML MAVlink Telemetry Adapter Pixhawk Drone Sensor
Futaba SBS-01ML - T16IZ-SUPER Telemetry adapter for Pixhawk (Ardupilot) Drone Flight Controller
*Does'nt work without Ardupilot |
€74.30 Ex VAT
Futaba SBS-01TE Temperature Telemetry Sensor electric motor S.BUS2 #SBS01TE
New S.BUS2 telemetry temperature sensor - perfect for electric motors etc.
€48.76 Ex VAT
Jeti Duplex 2.4EX MUI 75 sensor
The Jeti Duplex MUI 75 is a voltage and current telemetry sensor, compatible with all Jeti Duplex receivers and expanders, suitable for measuring currents up to 75A and voltages up to 60V. Using this sensor it is possible to view on your Jeti Box, the overall pack voltage, the motor run time and the capacity drawn from your flight battery as well as the present amp draw of your power system! You can also set alarms for:
This sensor should be connected between the power systems battery pack and the speed controller, in order to provide a pass-through to measure the current drain of your power set. Please note, the maximum current capability of this sensor is 75 amps. This sensor is not required to view the voltage and other metrics associated with the receiver system, which is provided by all Duplex receivers, without the need for an additional sensor. |
€39.59 Ex VAT
Jeti GPS satellite Measure MGPS sensor
Exact information about the altitude and distance of a model in space are extremely important guidance elements for the pilot who is remote controlling the model. Thanks to the GPS satellite positioning system the MGPS sensor defines the exact model position and calculates speed, altitude and distance from the point of origin, furthermore the course, azimuth and the total covered distance.
€95.79 Ex VAT
Jeti Model Jeti Box Mini
The JETIBOX mini is used for data readout and parameter adjustment of hooked up equipment. Due to the small size, it can be easily mounted to the transmitter and its clearly arranged backlit display enables excellent readability at any weather conditions. Equipment designated by the JETIBOX COMPATIBLE label is JETIBOX mini compatible as well. JETIBOX mini operates as a two-way terminal, showing all data stored in the JBC product. With the use of four buttons, the user can browse the menu and set the selected values to take advantage of the full capability of JBC products. It is currently possible with the use of the JETIBOX mini to program controllers in the SPIN series; the CAR Sensor 3000; REX JBC receivers, and the new transmitter modules, receivers and all accessories in the DUPLEX system. With the JETIBOX mini connected to DUPLEX transmitter modules, it is possible to have continuous wireless communication with any JETIBOX compatible device in the model. |
€36.28 Ex VAT
Jeti Model RC Droid Box Bluetooth Adapter
RCDroidBox allows real-time monitoring and recording of telemetry data transferred using JETI Duplex or Duplex EX protocol. The system consists of both hardware and a software part. The hardware is the actual RCDroidBox Bluetooth adapter and the software is an application running on a device with the Android operating system, such as cell phone or tablet
€74.30 Ex VAT
Jeti MSpeed EX speed sensor
MSPEED EX is a sensor which measures the speed of a flying model through the air to provide the indicated airspeed (IAS). The reporting of airspeed can be very instructive with regard to the control of a flying model, for example allowing the pilot to determine the model´s stall speed and set an alarm to indicate when the model falls below this speed. Another function of the sensor is to allow the pilot to set a desired speed and a step above or below this speed at which an acoustic signal should be sounded by the transmitter module. To facilitate easier reading of the indicated airspeed, a bar graph is displayed, marking the appropriate configured steps. The measurement of airspeed is based on the principle of change in dynamic pressure, measured by a Pitot tube, which is connected by silicon tubing. With the help of the wireless Duplex system, this sensor information can be reported to the pilot in realtime, allowing immediate feedback in airspeed changes and a deviations from the configured steps. Specifications:
€61.90 Ex VAT
Jeti MSpeed EX speed sensor 450
MSPEED 450 EX is a sensor which measures the speed of a flying model through the air to provide the indicated airspeed (IAS). The reporting of airspeed can be very instructive with regard to the control of a flying model, for example allowing the pilot to determine the model´s stall speed and set an alarm to indicate when the model falls below this speed. Maximum speed: 450km/h Another function of the sensor is to allow the pilot to set a desired speed and a step above or below this speed at which an acoustic signal should be sounded by the transmitter module. To facilitate easier reading of the indicated airspeed, a bar graph is displayed, marking the appropriate configured steps. The measurement of airspeed is based on the principle of change in dynamic pressure, measured by a Pitot tube, which is connected by silicon tubing. With the help of the wireless Duplex system, this sensor information can be reported to the pilot in realtime, allowing immediate feedback in airspeed changes and a deviations from the configured steps. Specifications:
€72.64 Ex VAT
Jeti Telemetry Measure sensor MUI 150 ex #JEX-MUI-150-R2
Assignment of the MUI EX sensor is measurement of voltage, current, and consumed capacity of flight batteries in the model. The wireless data transmission by the DUPLEX 2,4GHz system is monitored by the JETIBOX terminal. For communication purposes the Duplex system takes advantage of the 2,4 GHz band which, besides sending remote control data to the model, also receives data from the model back to the transmitter. During a flight, obtained telemetric data are transmitted in real time and the actual values of the measured data can be displayed on the JETIBOX LCD. Telemetric MUI sensors execute voltage and current measurements in your model and transmit these informations with the aid of the DUPLEX system (receivers and transmitter modules). Thanks to exact current measurements these sensors make it possible to trace the spent capacity of the measured battery. The MUI unit is recording the spent current flow time and its average as well as maximum value. Furthermore it offers exact voltage measurements and recordings of voltage minimum and maximum values.
Sensor MUI as fuel gauge Parameters
€49.50 Ex VAT
Jeti Temperature sensor 300°C MT300-EX
Designation of MT 300 EX Sensors are temperature measurements of devices like motors, controllers, batteries and other model accessories. Presentation of the measured data is realized by the JETIBOX terminal and the wireless information transfer is ensued with aid of the DUPLEX 2,4GHz system. The Duplex System takes advantage of the 2,4GHz-Band for communication which allows not only the transfer of remote control data to the model, but also in the opposite direction to the transmitter. The telemetric data measured during operation are transmitted in real time and the actual state of the data can be depicted on the JETIBOX LCD-display. The MT 300 EX unit records minimum and maximum temperatures of the individual sensors and delivers besides that their actual values. Specifications:
€43.80 Ex VAT
Jeti Vario-EX 2 rev.2 for duplex 2.4GHz System
Jeti Vario-EX 2 rev.2 for duplex 2.4GHz System The Vario2 used to measure the rate of descent and ascent and to measure the relative height. The module stores the maximum rise and sink rate. In conjunction with a jeti stations not only multiple alarm values can be output, it can also be controlled "commands" such as the switching off or on a landing light when temperature drops below a set minimum flight altitude. Measurement of air pressure, temperature
Technical specifications:
€72.64 Ex VAT
JETIBOX MVario 2 Measure Sensors Module
Module MVario is used for measuring the size of climb, descent, and the relative height. The measurement provides a sensitive sensor of barometric pressure. Range of the sensor is a 100 - 1100 mBar. Module MVario records the maximum height, maximum climb and descent of the model. For display of measured values is used JETIBOX terminal with the possibility of wireless transmission of information in real time using the DUPLEX 2,4 GHz system. The connection a MVario module and DUPLEX 2,4 GHz system makes possible setting alarm for the climb and descent of the model in four steps. The range of these steps can be set directly in m/s. |
€72.64 Ex VAT
JETIBOX MVario Duplex 2,4 GHz Measure sensors
JETIBOX MVario Duplex 2,4 GHz Measure sensors The measurement provides a sensitive sensor of barometric pressure. Range of the sensor is a 100 - 1100 mBar. Module MVario records the maximum height, maximum climb and descent of the model. For display of measured values is used JETIBOX terminal with the possibility of wireless transmission of information in real time using the DUPLEX 2,4 GHz system. The connection a MVario module and DUPLEX 2,4 GHz system makes possible setting alarm for the climb and descent of the model in four steps. The range of these steps can be set directly in m/s. Spcification:
€57.77 Ex VAT
JETIBOX Telemetry Communication Terminal
JETIBOX is a universal communication terminal, which can be used with any JETI products that are marked JETIBOX Compatible. JETIBOX Compatible products use powerful software to allow easy setup and reading of data using a simple menu driven display on the JETIBOX terminal.
€28.84 Ex VAT
Lipo 10s adapter board for LiPoWatch
Lipo 10s adapter board for LiPoWatch Specification:
€6.53 Ex VAT
Lipo 12s adapter board for LiPoWatch
Lipo 12s adapter board for LiPoWatch Specification:
€9.01 Ex VAT
LiPoWatch The cell monitoring protects your impulse battery against deep unloading and stores at the same moment as a Datalogger the tension of every separate cell. The LiPoWatch is a cell monitoring for up to 15 cells (15S) LiPo and LiFePo of battery. He supervises every cell of the battery stack and can do while remaining an adjustable threshold the impulse so that the cells are not unloaded deeply. In addition, the LiPoWatch records the tension all connected cells separately and serves with it as a Datenlogger for the monitoring of the battery. A red LED by every cell connection makes possible a quick view which cell has released the undervoltage message or another warning. About our UniDisplay all measured values of the LiPoWatch can be selected directly at the airfield and be considered. The evaluation of the data takes place uncomplicated with the known software LogView or the GNU DataExplorer. On the basis of a low weight and the compact size the LiPoWatch can be used nearly in every area. The LiPoWatch is also able to do this:
€66.03 Ex VAT
RadioLink PRM-01 Power Return Module For AT9 AT10 Transmitter
Package Included: |
€7.44 Ex VAT
Spektrum Aircraft Telemetry Variometer Sensor
The variometer is a telemetry sensor for sailplanes that indicates the rate of ascent and descent via an audible tone using select Spektrum™ transmitters*. This provides an indicator to the pilot when the sailplane is in a thermal of rising , or sinking air. By knowing when the sailplane is rising or sinking, the pilot can keep the sailplane in rising air and out of sinking air providing longer flight times. Know when your sailplane is in a thermal and fly longer durations with the Spektrum variometer.
Product Specifications
€69.42 Ex VAT
UniDisplay+ complete set with connecting cable
UniDisplay+ complete set with connecting cable Comfortable evaluation and attitude possibility for our UniLog 1 + 2, GPS-Logger 1 + 2, LiPoWatch and InfoSwitch With the help of the UniDisplay all measured values of our UniLog 1 + 2, UniSens-E, GPS-Logger 1 + 2, LiPoWatch, InfoSwitch and JLog2 can be indicated live and be put directly to parameter. In addition, the complete data memory of the UniLog 1 + 2 or LiPoWatch can be quickly considered. The operation takes place completely simply and selfexplanatory more than four keys. The firmware of the UniDisplay + can be updated at any time with our USB interface cable (ord. no 2550) from the PC. |
€31.32 Ex VAT
UniSens-E 280 A Telemetry sensor with 2 x 4mm² Silicone cable
UniSens-E 280 A Telemetry sensor with 2 x 4mm² Silicone cable The small powerful RC telemetry sensor measures voltage, current, height, power, capacity and speed in a model and can be transferred to the transmitter via telemetry. Full support for telemetry of Jeti Duplex, Multiplex M-Link, Graupner HoTT, Futaba, JR DMSS and FrSky. The Unisens E is a pure telemetry sensor especially for all electric models. It is so small and light but so powerful that it can be used in almost every model. To change the settings via PC or for firmware updates is a suitable USB interface as our Cat 2550 or an existing USB connection cable as of Jeti, multiplex or Graupner necessary. See also the instructions. Since barometric (atmospheric pressure) level sensor is integrated with high resolution, a Vario with Unisens E is realized in addition to the height measurement. Whether gliders, aerobatic aircraft, helicopter, or HLG Slowflyer who Unisens E can be used due to its low weight and compact size in almost every area. Of course, the Unisens E is suitable not only for model aircraft. It can also be incorporated into RC boats, RC cars etc. Specs and Capabilities:
Technical details:
€71.82 Ex VAT
UniSens-E Telemetry sensor 140A, 60V with 4mm² Silicone cable
UniSens-E Telemetry sensor 140A, 60V with 4mm² Silicone cable The small powerful RC telemetry sensor measures voltage, current, height, power, capacity and speed in a model and can be transferred to the transmitter via telemetry. Full support for telemetry of Jeti Duplex, Multiplex M-Link, Graupner HoTT, Futaba, JR DMSS and FrSky. The Unisens E is a pure telemetry sensor especially for all electric models. It is so small and light but so powerful that it can be used in almost every model. To change the settings via PC or for firmware updates is a suitable USB interface as our Cat 2550 or an existing USB connection cable as of Jeti, multiplex or Graupner necessary. See also the instructions. Since barometric (atmospheric pressure) level sensor is integrated with high resolution, a Vario with Unisens E is realized in addition to the height measurement. Whether gliders, aerobatic aircraft, helicopter, or HLG Slowflyer who Unisens E can be used due to its low weight and compact size in almost every area. Of course, the Unisens E is suitable not only for model aircraft. It can also be incorporated into RC boats, RC cars etc. Specs and Capabilities:
Technical details:
€54.46 Ex VAT
UniSens-E Telemetry sensor 140A, 60V with XT60
UniSens-E Telemetry sensor 140A, 60V with XT60 The small powerful RC telemetry sensor measures voltage, current, height, power, capacity and speed in a model and can be transferred to the transmitter via telemetry. Full support for telemetry of Jeti Duplex, Multiplex M-Link, Graupner HoTT, Futaba, JR DMSS and FrSky. The Unisens E is a pure telemetry sensor especially for all electric models. It is so small and light but so powerful that it can be used in almost every model. To change the settings via PC or for firmware updates is a suitable USB interface as our Cat 2550 or an existing USB connection cable as of Jeti, multiplex or Graupner necessary. See also the instructions. Since barometric (atmospheric pressure) level sensor is integrated with high resolution, a Vario with Unisens E is realized in addition to the height measurement. Whether gliders, aerobatic aircraft, helicopter, or HLG Slowflyer who Unisens E can be used due to its low weight and compact size in almost every area. Of course, the Unisens E is suitable not only for model aircraft. It can also be incorporated into RC boats, RC cars etc. Specs and Capabilities:
Technical details:
€54.46 Ex VAT
USB Interface device
USB Interface device With this cable connection updates of the GPS-Logger, InfoSwitch, UniDisplay, UniLog 1, LiPoWatch and UniSens-E by PC are possible. This connector cable is used for firmware updates for the GPS logger, InfoSwitch, UniDisplay, UniLog 1, LiPoWatch and Unisens E via PC. Corresponding updates can be downloaded for free on Used chipset: FT232 |
€16.45 Ex VAT
Jeti Altimeter-EX for Duplex 2,4GHz System
Jeti Altimeter-EX for Duplex 2,4GHz System MAlti EX is a system that measures atmospheric pressure and using the obtained data it calculates the altitude above sea level and relative altitude above the ground. The sensor also alerts you if any alarm setting is exceeded. The Duplex system takes advantage of the 2.4GHz band for communication. This system not only transmits control data to the model but also sends data from the model back to the transmitter. The telemetry data collected during operation is shown as actual, measured values in real time on either LCD screen of a connected JETIBOX or on the DC/DS JETI model transmitters. Main features:
MAlti Technical data:
€49.50 Ex VAT
Jeti Telemetry Expander E2
The EXPANDER E2 EX module is used to expand the number of connecting slots for further telemetric sensors. In this way it becomes possible to connect up to 2 sensors to a DUPLEX receiver. The expander can be set in a way which enables the JETIBOX to show several measured values simultaneously. Specification:
€27.19 Ex VAT
Jeti Telemetry Expander E4 EX
The modules EXPANDER E4 EX are used to expand the number of connecting places for further telemetric sensors. In this mannner it becomes possible to connect up to 4 sensors to a DUPLEX receiver. The expander can be set in a manner which enables the JETIBOX to show measured values of concern simultaneously.
€31.32 Ex VAT
Jeti Telemetry Sensor RPM Brushless motors
Jeti RPM sensor EX for BL Motors
€31.32 Ex VAT